The Place You Live is Magical Too


No matter where you are, the land you live on has a story. It has a history, a singular perspective. It is a peak to climb, a lookout from which to observe everything. Every patch of land is a combination of living beings, features, marvels, indignities and loss. It has been there, witnessed, and been part of every extraordinary era in Earth’s existence, some of which we know about it, many we do not. 

The place you call home has been holding and supporting life for all time. Today, it holds you. 

Whether you feel like you know it or not, it holds you. 

Whether you’re feeling grateful for it or not, it holds you. 

The land is not indifferent, and not inanimate. It is constantly responding to the changes around it. Right now it is there, fully itself, fully aware. And when we are fully ourselves, fully aware we can meet it. 

We can meet it, and ourselves through it, anytime.