Are you a writer too?


I was quite sure I was going crazy.

For years I walked around talking to myself in my head. I know we all do this. But as well as the usual internal dialogue, I imagined not conversations so much, as monologues.

Long monologues. Long rambling speeches on things I cared about, or aphorisms—short little phrases would pop into my head that feel like truths— and it would feel so clear, and so true, and then I would sigh and carry on hanging the washing out or making dinner or reading a bedtime story.

I was writing. I didn't know it, but long before I felt like a writer, or wrote anything, I was writing, in my head, all the time.

I am not kidding when I say I thought I was going crazy. Because I couldn't reconcile how clear things felt in my mind and how confused I felt about my life when the mental flow stopped.

Putting pen to paper, letting out what is inside is part of how our life comes into line with who we are. Writing is one of the ways I meet myself.

Do you relate?

Either to writing as a source of your becoming, or perhaps you are at that beginning stage?

Frustrated and confused, full of thoughts and visions that circle around and around in your mind to no end?

Have you considered that who you are is a writer?

Mary xx